воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m already sick. The usual, I wonapos;t bore you with the reiteration of upper respiratory symptoms, but damn. Itapos;s not even November. The rainy season hasnapos;t even started (yes, it rained once, but that was about a centimeter and it didnapos;t make it even as far south as Monterey, and it hasnapos;t rained again in two weeks, so you canapos;t say the season ahs begun).

The dog is not at all happy about my failure to deliver on the promise of Fun for Dogs. There was the Volunteer Appreciation Fish aco and Garden Burger Barbecue at the Coastal Watershed Council back deck overlooking the Yachjt Harbor parking lot yesterday and she wasnapos;t fooled: it wasnapos;t a real Fun for Dogs outing even though I gave her treats. Too much sitting around waiting for people to stop talking and get a move on.

But today -- I said I wouldnapos;t bore you with symptoms. Suffice to say I have scrapped all my socially useful, social, and useful palns and I am sitting here in a cold house in my pajamas reading funny Sims stories and attempting to write a little.

I think I will turn up the heat. Itapos;s 17: 20apos;s not too hot, is it?

I may also go back to bed soon.

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Eating ruffles with marcus while laughing our asses off in the study room is so fun
Adding on to the excitement,marcusapos; paper is tmr and we are not asleep yet
5 mins ago,he commented on my eyebags
"Your eyebags damn power man" or smthg like that,haha,i stun for awhile manzxzx
Then i gave a loud giggle
He just came walking in,with a toothbrush in his mouth
i stun again,and we both laugh.
This cant get any better
And i miss you like how your buddy misses his girlfriend
Heeheeee, wo ai ni zxzxzxzxz(gives the twit smile)

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�Iapos;m working on chapter three right now, Iapos;ve been too busy to write anything except a few ideas for the past two days. Yesterday I got distracted by some old stories I found, among them were a story with characters Iapos;ve been looking for, for a while. I also found a lot of re-usable stuff - things that will otherwise never see the light of day.

�� � I think that, after Iapos;m finished with Randonapos;s story (Midnight Shadow being the working title) and if Iapos;m not engulfed in Halcyon, Iapos;ll work on another favorite project of mine: the Starboy Series. I have ideas for three books so far, I donapos;t know yet if thereapos;ll be more (it probably will), but the Starboy Series features some of my favorite characters, so Iapos;m looking forward to being able to write about them. The two main characters from the first book and the four from the third book, are characters who came to me in dreams and I just fell in love with them. Their names therefore, are also what they were called in the dreams.�Who knows, maybe Iapos;ll dream of more characters for Starboy.

�� �I had a weird dream about Niko and Cal last night (from Rob Thurmanapos;s Nightlife series.) I canapos;t really recall so much about it, but they were hunting something. There were two other guys that you followed (I was a spectator in my dream), and I saw it from this one guyapos;s perspective. These two guys were shady, and probably the ones Niko and Cal were hunting, but the Leandros brothers didnapos;t know it yet. They met by accident by some old house in the forest and decided to rest and eat together. The guys from my dream sat some distance away and were talking about something. You could see Niko glance suspiciously in their direction every now and then. Nikoapos;s clever - he probably suspected it was them from the beginning. Cal didnapos;t seem to care whether or not it was them; heapos;s always ready for a good fight.�
�� � After that, Iapos;m not exactly sure what happened, but a screwed bullet flew toward the guy whoapos;s eyes were mine, in Wanted style. He dodged it and there was a game of hunt and hunted.�
�� � It was strange, because I read those books quite a while ago It was fun though, they were so vivid in my dream and I love those guys. It took some time before I got used to Cal when I read the first book, but later I came to enjoy being inside his head. The real love, however, came when I read the last chapter. I liked the characters and the story, but when I read those last pages, it struck me like a lightening bolt of affection for them. They were more alive than ever. Now, Iapos;m a faithful reader of the work of Rob Thurman. Iapos;m looking forward to Death Wish coming out next year, Madhouse ended with such a cliffhanger, I almost didnapos;t believe it was the real ending.�

�� � But at least I have some other highly anticipated books coming out, to read while I wait. And of course, books to write myself.�

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


11 Oct 2008 (Sat)

10 Oct 2008 (Fri)

Met up with Tish for lunch at Dhoby Gaut. Sheapos;s gonna pop anytime soon.

Met up with dear and we proceed to Thompson Plaza for Sushi Tei. Global meltdown. Share price drops like mad. My dear is not in the mood. So I�belanja him for dinner n chill out there. Itapos;s a tiring day, so we went back watch tv n falls asleep. I have been in such a zombie mode that was worsen as days past since Mon due to lack of sleep.

9 Oct 2008 (Thur)

Attended Doug �Rachealapos;s wedding today. Met up w Roger. Happen to chance upon Xiaoqiang �WeiSong at the Orchard mrt whilst waiting for Roger who was late. We took a short bus trip n found apos;The Regent Hotelapos;. Relaxing at the lounge while waiting for the time. Itapos;s been such a long time since I�last saw them. Dinner ended at 11pm.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Blarg. PSAT. Dang proctors shaved four whole minutes off of our second section (the first math one without the grid) and that was the first time I did not finish any portion of the PSAT. Made me angry.

Went to the Auditorium and hung out for a while until fourth period was officially over. Had to wait a few minutes before Mchale came back and opened the classroom so all of us could get to our lunches. Dang Murry came up to the green room and said cover your ears, then right by my head, before my hands covered my ears entirely, more so the left was uncovered compared to the right, he shoots a blank out of the prop gun for Drop Dead right in my blooming ear Itapos;s still ringing

Studies. Big olapos; worksheet to help us study for the test tomorrow. Finished pretty quickly, started reading Yerma. Yes we were supposed to have that read already. But I know full well a ton of people have yet to pick the script of. So far, I like it.

Alan was showing me a bunch of stuff on his iTouch and it kept me from reading Yerma a bit. ^^ I love Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

Green room. Slept for about ten minutes. Talked with Jon and Haley a lot... I donapos;t remember much else going on.

Came home, and I got really sidetracked on YouTube and other online things, not to mention giving a crap load of advice to a friend of mine in Michigan, so I didnapos;t do any Symbolism notes for English past the ones I had jotted down on the handout yesterday.

Current State of the Union:
In: Yerma. Out: Romeo and Juliet.
In: Blanks = Ringing Ears. Out: Bullets = No Ears.

Video of the Day: "GOD The injuries I incure from VLOGGING"

Random Funny Quote: "So I knew today was going to be a bad day pretty much right away." -Me. "What? Why?" -Rachel. "My mother hasnapos;t done the laundry in a while and all I have been forced to wear the very uncomfortable skimpy joke underwear since I have exhausted all other stores of... Comfortable unmentionables." -Me.
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afterlife american native

Tiialta varastin kun jotenkin niin kivalta tuntui ja tuli semmonen fiilis ett� haluan tehd� t�m�n tms. O3o; Saa nyt n�hd� ett� saanko t�h�n monipuolisesti kymmenen hyv� leffaa vai vaivunko ep�toivoon. Toivoon ett� arvaatte


1. Pick 10 of your favourite movies.
2. Go to the IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. No Googling/using IMDb search functions.

1. Well, if you tried to kill yourself, I could explain to the schoolboard that you were psychologically unfit to attend, and that you needed intensive treatment. It would a staged suicide attempt. Of course, your poor mother would have to find you and drive you the hospital, where you would stay for three weeks or a month for observation.

2. I hired you to do a job. It wasnapos;t supposed to look like a job. So you take out the Israelis, bomb the damn building and now the job that was not supposed to look like a job is beginning to look very much... Like a job.

3. Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is

4. Why so serious son?

5. I do not believe this darkness will endure.

6. She poisoned herself, arsenic from the apothecary round the corner, I tried to stop her, but she wouldnapos;t listen to me, and heapos;s got your daughter.

7. He claims he killed thirteen people, but which ones can we actually confirm? Thereapos;s three in Vallejo, one in Berryessa, the cabbie, thatapos;s it.

8. Thatapos;s exactly what the Nazis are looking for.

9. I said the Valium you gave to Simon wasnapos;t actually Valium. Itapos;s an hallucinogenic concoction. You know, stuff like acid, mescaline, a little ketamine.

10. This storyapos;s gonna grab people. Itapos;s about this guy, heapos;s crazy about this girl, but he likes to wear dresses. Should he tell her? Should he not tell her? Heapos;s torn, Georgie. This is drama.

n____n yhyy, miks tykk�n uutuuksista.

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amnesty international annual report

Sir Integra,

Today at 15:49 the citizen Eclipse was brought into this clinic suffering from a massive aneurysm. Due to the skill of the surgical team, his life was preserved and we expect that he will make a full recovery. However, while preforming various lifesaving maneuvers, I discovered a highly illegal bio-technological device implanted in his brain. I believe that it was the cause of his condition. I have removed the chip and am holding it until otherwise directed by your office. As per regulations in these matters, I have not allowed him any visitors. I await your instructions.
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